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JPage fifty-twoVOLLEYBALLTense moments such as the one shownhere were common sights during the volleyball season in G. A. A. Techniques of volleyball, such as, spiking and over-hand serves,were practiced and perfected in thesegames.BASKETBALLAlthough the girls only engage in sportssuch as basketball for enjoyment, the formof the girls in this picture seems to indicatea thorough development of skill.VARSITY HOCKEY TEAMLast year the girls’ hockey team met thegirls from Anchorage, Kentucky, for a game.Although the UHS girls played an outstanding game, the more experienced Anchorageteam pulled through the competition witha 4-3 victory. This year Anchorage was unable to compete with us, but a game wasscheduled with Tudor Hall.HOCKEY VARSITYFront Row: Wilma Gibson, Pat Distelhorst, Beverly Bartlett, Buddie Rey.Back Row: Suzie Wallace, Nancy Colglazier, JuliaBurch, Jean Rogers, Carol Lee Creed, Marcia Wells. |
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University High School |
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