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University High School, Jordannus,1950, Page 21

Description: JUNIOR CLASSTheir first big social event was a picnic at Spring Mill State Park, where theyate, played games, hiked, and had a wonderful time.The highlight of their activities was the Junior Penny Carnival based on thetheme of a circus. Among the many outstanding features of the carnival wasa stage show musical review and the coronation of the King and Queen. Totop off this successful year, they sponsored the second annual banquet for theseniors and the Junior-Senior Prom.First Row: Adams, Paul; Allman, Bill;Ayres, Phyllis; Bailey, Martha; Baker, Dick;Barger, Dick; Beatty, Max; Berndt, Tom;Borton, Marsha.Second Row: Boyd, Marge; Brown, Betty;Brown, Bud; Brummitt, Paul; Burch, Ray;Butcher, Edward; Chitwood, Irma; Conley,Jack; Copeland, Beth.Third Row: Cox, Bob; Craig, John;Crouch, Marilyn; Davis, Kit; Distelhorst,Patty; Dollens, Barbara; Douglas, George;Duke, Harvey; Ellis, Charles.Fourth Row: Ellis, Nancy; Emry, Stuart;Etnier, Nancy; Farmer, Virginia; Fee, Carolyn; Fell, Roberta; Feltus, Paula; Field,Janet; Fox, Sue.Fifth Row: Gobert, Naola; Goby, KayWynn; Greenwood, Bud; Hamman, Jack;Hardin, Deanne; Hearn, John; Hoadley,Margaret; Hughes, Maurice; Hunsaker,Kathleen.Sixth Row: Jenkin, Joan; Johnson, Ruth;Kingsbury, Bryant; Kunz, Bert; Lanam,Pat; Langley, Willis; Legier, Peggy; Men-go, Bill; Pierson, Zeke.Seventh Row: Poling, Harvey; Poolitsan,Barbara; Reed, Betty Jo; Rey, Buddie;Rogers, Jean; Sarber, Roselene; Scroggins,Betty; Sietsma, Shirley.Eighth Row: Simpson, Carol; Smith, Joan;Spangler, Ann; Stapleton, Mary Beth; Talbot, Nancy; Turley, Leona; Turner, Rod;Wallace, Carl; Wallace, Susie.Ninth Row: Windsor, Dave; Wells,Marcia.Not Pictured: Mahan, Jeanne; Spangler,Lew.I•CTE,wPage twenty-one
Collection: University High School

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