Collection Order

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University High School, Jordannus,1949, Page 48

Description: VI?!j v*V-Wle^ CMAny U.H.S. boy who receivesa major athletic award in anysport automatically becomes eligible for membership in the U-Men’s Club. This organization,now numbering over thirtymembers, has been engaged inmany important activitiesthroughout the school year andhas contributed much towardfurthering the cause of highsportsmanship. During thecourse of the winter and springsports season, the club presentedseveral dances, a hilarious pepsession in the school gym, and abanquet for the club membersand sponsors. Other importantactivities included raising moneyfor the support of a war orphanand the presentation of a trophyto the most outstanding U.H.S.athlete of the year.Top row: Bob Morris, Bill Hinkle,Paul Sinn. Jim Smith, Charles Farmer,Kenny Watt, Dick Smith, Bill Wagner,Joe May.Second row: Pete Dunn. Bob Briscoe. Bob Goodwin, Darrell Hooten,Dick Hinkle, Jim Moss, Mickey Love,Tut Adams, Bob Distelhorst, Sam Hunsaker, Bill Robinson. George Taylor.Third row: Jim Crane, Mr. Schooler,Jim Booze. Bob Haring, Don Foster,Doc Foster, Mr. Gray, Joe Young.“Senior Row” raises the roof at theTerre Haute State game.“Shad’s” band makes with the schoolsong during halftime.Page forty-eight
Collection: University High School

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