University High School, Jordannus,1951, Page 71

Description: First Row: Janet Waldrip,Shirley Noel, Judy Krentler,Patty Shields, Bertice Walker,Jean Rogers.Second Row: Priscilla Mitchell, Gilbert Trinkle, Marie Wilson, Carol Sarber, Judy Ross,Hazel Corman.Third Row: Lois Eads, Dorothy White, Carol Sinn, WilmaJune Reeves.Fourth Row: Vernon Kent,Mildred Cain, Norma Baxter.-f IHpif —I: 3== *-===4 ===--A f?< JI Xwt*’*1Typing ClubF. T. A.The Future Teachers of America are organized to learn more about the field of teachingand to promote more interest in this vocation.The first semester the club held a very successful bake sale. During the second semesterFTA visited classes at Indiana University andBall State Teachers College at Muncie.Mr. A. Pryce Noe is the Sponsor of this club.The aim of the Typing Club is to give eachmember the fundamentals of typing. Members learn how to type themes and letters. Oncethey have mastered the technique of the machine, they spend most of their time at meetings typing homework or other material.This year Judy Krentler is the President ofthe club.First Row: Carolyn Fee, BethCopeland.Second Row: Harlyne Hillik-er, Roberta Fox, Francey Allen,Mr. A Pryce Noe, sponsor;Margaret Edmondson, Sue Fox,Ann Spangler.Page seventy-one
Collection: University High School

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