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It Was ’Elementary’ — With All theNewness . . .“School days, school days. Dear old golden ruledays. Readin’ and writin’ and ’rithmatic . . .” Inelementary school, they seemed to combine work andplay with little or no effort at all. For the kindergartner, school was the opening up of a new worldwith new friends and new experiences; for the firstgrader, it was his first year of real school as helearned all about Dick, Jane, Sally, Spot, and Puff;printing turned into writing for the second graderwhile the third grader could think of nothing elsebut 2x2 = 4 and 4 -4- 2 = 2; the fourth graderhad his first real contact with history as he wasseen in the halls spouting, “Columbus sailed theocean blue in 1492”; the fifth grader at this stage“Will we ever get those shelves filled?”in his educational career, andMrs. Jupiter, Saturn, and Plutowere as familiar as his next doorneighbor; for the sixth grader, itwas the last year of elementaryschool, and he looked forward tojunior high school with much anticipation and excitement.It was the year of the big movefor the elementary students, andthey didn’t quite know what tothink of it when recess was spentin the mud and when there wasno wash water after experimentalfingerpainting class. The first dayof school had quite a surprise instore for all concerned.*«aiwFoDr. Richard E. Pell, elementary principal, confers with afaculty member.And away we go!Time was spent assigning desks, assigning lockers, orienting oneself with the building, meeting thenew teachers and health officers, and becomingacquainted with new friends. Then they settled downto the business at hand. Trips were made to the library and books were chosen for the week’s assignments and they always looked forward to the visitsof the special teachers: music, art, and physicaleducation—they seemed to have such interesting-things to do. The students also enjoyed makingtrips themselves. The post office was awfully informative, and the visit to the fire house and thepolice department was so thrilling, especially beingable to stand on the fire truck. Every day was anew experience.10 |
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University High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.