University High School, Jordannus,1964, Page 2

Description: The Shift Is OnLeaving the familiar site . . .The Shift is on—and most of the members ofthe female sex were seen wearing one at one timeor another during the school year! But there wasyet another shift to be experienced by us: thatbeing the big shift from the University High Schoolof Third and Jordan Streets constructed in 1935to the newest, most modernistic school we had everseen or would hope to see!Yes, it was a year of transition: from old tonew, from tradition to present, from familiar tounknown. The building certainly did change, andno longer were we able to catch sight of the “Noexit after five o’clock” sign on the doors leadingto the halls of the hallowed School of Educationbuilding, no longer were we able to hear the crashof doors falling off their hinges from the variousclassrooms, and, most important, no longer werewe able to see our past years at the school reflectedin the halls and rooms of which we had grown sofond.But it was only the building that changed; weremained relatively the same in our outlooks, purposes, and goals of maturity, satisfaction, andgrowth. The building was nothing but an object,but into it we poured every ounce that we couldgive, nothing spared.Those last weeks were hectic ones as we prepared for that big day—the move. Books werepacked, last goodbyes were said to those hallsfilled with memories, and every student left feelingat least a twang of nostalgia but, at the same time,exultant and enthusiastic about the new adventureupon which we were to embark.2
Collection: University High School

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