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University High School, Jordannus,1959, Page 35

Description: mi it ““** -,* ■ «..■ » ..u.^- *,.rr7*U-School journalists write frantically toMerit Quill and Scroll . Quill and Scroll exists toreward the individual student for meritorious work ... in journalism and allied fields.” It initiates journalists ranked in the upper third of their class and credited with 500 points. Thesepoints may be earned by selling advertising space and planningads, writing stories for the QUAD or for the city newspaper,or editing the QUAD. JORDANNUS staffers earn points byselling advertising and subscriptions, planning and participating in the selling convos, editing a section of the book or editing the publication. Marilyn Regester, senior, was president ofthe club; Fran Owen, senior, was secretary; and Wanda Wallace, senior, was treasurer. At initiation in March, five newmembers joined the honorary. Organized on an national basis,Quill and Scroll members’ learned, through official club publications and conventions, about journalistic methods. The society also takes an active part in raising standards and in directing courses in high school journalism throughout the country.QUILL AND SCROLL—First row: Marilyn Regester, Fran Owen, Wanda Wallace.Second row: Janice Witmer, Judith Milisen, Ron Rostorfer, Cari Woods, CindyBemis. Not pictured—Phil Reed.OrIII1i-..4: ts» flK i 1>■IE> 1»™ sssai i« w*.tl*13L&•• ;z■•- awPage thirty-five
Collection: University High School

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