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. . . More of theAthletically-Inclined.Learning new skills and developing good sportsmanship wasthe result of participation inJunior GAA, sponsored by MissPat Fehl. Practicing for theSenior-Faculty basketball gamefilled the club periods of theSenior Recreation Club. Activities of the Junior Recreation Club were formulated bya planning committee of four.MEMBERS OF JUNIOR G.A.A. include,First row. Elizabeth Griffin, Sherry Johnson, Martha Miller, Marjorie Perry, SherryRidge, Jane Fuller, Cheri Moore, KathleenKelley, Martha Tackitt, Lynn Ann VanMeter, Marilyn Hudson, Jane Anne Hoge,and Georganne Poolitsan. Second row.Carol Albright, Martha Flick, KathleenSnow, Sue Polley, Jayne Allen, SherryYoung, Sharon Cassidy, Donna Hayes,Carol Alexander, Diana Willibey, andDianna Smith. Third row. Claudia Cam-paigne, Kathy Schmidt, Virginia Murphy,Eleanor Fell, Patty Petry, Connie Parsons, Jo Anna Grubb, Elise Jordan, JoanRobertson, Cindy Bartlett, Ann Armstrong,Jeri Ann Scafidi, Nancy Weigel, BarbieKarsell, and Patty Talbot.MEMBERS OF THE Senior High Recreation Club include, First row. Don Gross,Steve Wilson, Dick Skirvin, Doug Dixon,Carl Brooks, Elvin Hankins, RonnieWickens, and David Abner. Second row.Ron Mills, Jeff Jolivette, David Grubb,Gary Marten, Larry Miller, Bernie Brown,Fletcher Walker, and Don Albright.JUNIOR HIGH RECREATION Clubmembers include, First row. Carol Wel-pott, Patti Timms, Ann Hofstetter, JoDarby, Mary Ann Coller, Elta Williams,Anne Binkley, Carol Andres, Patty Halla-gan, Pam Adams, Mary Jo Fagan, SueHuffman, Caryl Milburn, and NancyPrice. Second row. Eric Smith, Steve Stevens, Donald Tatlock, George Barnett, DonBriscoe, Bob Trobaugh, John Ivans, RandyKlink, Steve Wenning, Bill Weigel, andPat Flack. Third row. Dennis Miller, JohnFraser, Bob Geiger, Tom Wilson, TomRichardson, Dave Thomas, Larry Clark,Richard Michael, John Hartman, RaymondWebb, John Hottel, and John Sanders.Fourth row. Bob Batchelder, John Bucher,Wayne Witmer, Terry Lawson, John Burton, Ronny Ratliff, John Young, JackBrummett, Jim Wertz, Mike Fisher, andAlbert Lawvere.■iPage forty-five |
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University High School |
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