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University High School, Jordannus,1958, Page 15

Description: cooking, language.The girls in home economics begin in juniorhigh school with sewing and cooking, end upwith such varied subjects as home planning,interior decoration, and child care.Driver training teaches teens safe, superiordriving. Walter Gray, instructor, and a 1957Plymouth combine to put Univees in an accident-free drivers’ seat.English at U-School ranks among the largest programs. From the entering of a myriadof essay and writing contests to teaching thebasic parts of speech and literature appreciation, students learn to handle their own native language.A 1957 PLYMOUTH served as U-School’s driver-trainingcar this year. James Mosier and Sue Jean express approvalof the latest in teaching methods—and tools!jlI!K MB OP * T;Ift >1MODELING her own creation is Susan Moss, with theassistance of seamstress Judy Anderson. All girls pass throughthe Home Economics department during the six years ofschooling.ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM.” Mrs. Julia Branson sets the minds of young English students to work in aspelling bee, showing variety in class programs.IHiIPage fifteen
Collection: University High School

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