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■ . ;rmt-1 H *■LTReading Club—Seated around the tableare Deniese McDaniel, vice-president;Donna Payne, Jonquil Bartie, MyrtleEnglish, president; Becky Abram andByron Herbin.Standing around the table are MissGriffin, Barbara Fuerst, secretary-treasurer, and Helen May.Books, books, and more books.Tbe members of tbe ReadingChib are faced with all tbe dutiesof a librarian. Margaret Griffin,librarian, supervises the stampingand reading of new books onhand.Photography Club—Members of the Photography Club try their luckon model Diane Abram at one of their “shoot” parties.Taking Diane’s picture on the first row are Jim Terman, RichardSauvain, Bob Talbot, Woody Woods, and Steve Weiser.Second row: Doug Rae, Don Smith, Don Ellson, and Steve Hale.Third row: Charles Bowden, Mike Coyle, Don Collar, and John Stempel.Over Twenty-five Clubs“Smile for the birdie” is just one of themany phrases that members of the Photography Club use to get their subjects to grin.This club was formed this year by John Schrodt,journalism adviser. The club sponsored a photography salon in the cafeteria during January.Included in this display of pictures were prizewinning entries from a national contest forphotographers.The officers of the club are Bob Talbot,president; John Stempel, vice-president, andJim Terman, secretary-treasurer.“Oh, Nurse, I’ve got a pain.”“Good. One of our members can practice.”And so another member of the Future NursesClub gets some valuable experience in nursestraining. The club is organized to assist thoseinterested in nursing.The club is sponsored by Miss MarcellaKnudson, school nurse. Clara Lee Shadley ispresident, and Trude Brown is secretary.Future Nurses Club—Nursy, Nursy, hold my hand,might not be the motto ofthe Future Nurses Club, butit could be from the smilesof the group pictures below.Seated left to right areNancy Hughes, ClaraleeShadley, Miss MarcellaKnudson, sponsor, andTrude Brown.Standing are Daisy Deckard, Karen Sims, Rita Baldridge, Barbara Spanunth,Jane Cook, Elnora Fleener,Betsy Bardwell, BarbaraCraig, Peggy Dodds, JaneStangle, Mary Lunn Sikes,and Margie Await, guestspeaker.J |
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University High School |
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