Collection Order

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University High School, Jordannus,1954, Page 11

Description: HEEP FIT IT TOGETHER . . .IJi*h..Dan Me Vicker grabs the ball in one of the Univee hardwoodtilts. John Poling looks as if he is afraid that Dan will miss.Some of the art students in Mr. Mills’ class work out signs which advertisewhen and where our ball games are to be. These signs serve as reminders to thestudents and give information to our visitors at U-School.> ft MT4 *■Fred Wampler sells a ticket for anaway game to Bob Stone and WayneMullis.Along with the Seniors, theJuniors must also he willing tocooperate. They have an especially big year, and they needthe help of each individual inthe class while putting on theJunior Carnival and the Junior Prom. By working together in their Junior year,they also prepare themselvesfor the working together in editing their yearbook.Many hours, of work arespent by the cheerleaders inplanning pep sessions. Thecheerleaders realize that thesuccess of their pep sessionswill have a definite effect on theoutlook of the students towardthe team at the games. If thepep sessions are entertainingand related to the athletic activities, they will lift the moraleof the team and help ourschool to win.School spirit is a must in ourhigh school life. To get alongwith people after we graduate,we must be able to get alongwith our fellow students beforewe graduate.Page eleven
Collection: University High School

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