University High School, Jordannus,1955, Page 49

Description: The Quad, U-School’s bi-weekly newspaper, iswritten to entertain, and influence its approximate2400 readers. Anyone interested in journalism iswelcomed on the staff if he or she is willing to workhard. In recent years, the paper has grown untilit is now four pages with six columns on eachpage.Quad staffers are constantly on the lookout fora “scoop” story. To make the paper a success everyone on the staff must be willing to give time andenergy. However, no group in school has morefun than the Quad staff. In addition to publishingthe school paper, the staff provides news about schoolevents for the Star-Courier and the Daily Herald-Telephone.It has been said that one of the biggest andbusiest clubs at U-School is the Jordan Jesters. Thiscan be attributed to the fact that the members ofJordan Jesters are almost always busy working ona new play. In keeping with their motto,“Act well your part, for there all honor lies,” theclub has turned out fine plays. This year they hadthe opportunity to give “Good News,” the firstmusical comedy ever produced at U-School. Underthe direction of A. Donald Waistrum, the JordanJesters also presented a comedy entitled “YoungMan’s Fancy.” Most of the profits went toward afund to buy a dimmer board for the school.QUAD—First row: Helen Topolgus, Mary Walker, Leona Wallace, Marina Snow, Barbara Craig, Janna Zoe Peake, Sharon Wylie.Second row: Ann Regester, Judy Hinkle, Judy Stephens, Martha Hoadley, Becky Stoner, Mary Bett Fattu, Ann Moorman, Margie Niles,Dick Sauvain.Third row: Deane Kingsbury, Stu Mitchner, Woody Woods, Joe Franklin, Bob Talbot, John Stempel, Dave Bowen, Gordon Coffin,Doug Rae, Norman Deckard, John Schrodt, adviser.ftJsr. r *■ ■ ■jiw/IJORDAN JESTERS—First row: Dudley Appelman, Becky Stoner, A. Donald Waistrum, sponsor; Bill Marshall, Leona Wallace, Sharon Wylie.Second row: Karen Sims, Patty Brogneaux, Marilyn May, Amy Salsbury, Joyce Richardson, Helen Topolgus, Helen Hope, Bob Nellis,Gordon Coffin, Marilyn Mills, Sue Hays, Mary Walker, Ann Baker, Susie Baker, Jeannie Peterson, Rena Stump.Third row: Jeanette Adams, Clara Shadley, Linda Zoerner, Marina Snow, Catherine Craig, Pam Moody, Julie Bergevin, Bill Gordon,Gretchan Krueger, Pauline Smith, Ann Goby, Ann Smith, Peggy Peterson, Martha Hoadley, Barbara Deckard, Louis Silverstein.Fourth row: Melissa Baldwin, Joanna Gottfried, Joan Velton, Joe Franklin, Jim Work, Phil Karsell, George Dunn, Bob Denham, DickMcFall, Jack Hilliker, Dave Bowen, John Richardson, Bill Smith, Mike Myers.Not pictured: Libra Cleveland, Ann Moorman, Jane Cook.
Collection: University High School

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