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Il Ir i*■The Junior High Stock Band, directed by RobertHull, music instructor, played for the juniorhigh party in the cafeteria.(OverAfter football and basketball games, students flocked to thecafeteria to one of a score of dances. Nearly every club, class, ororganization presented a dance, making empty Friday nights rare.Graduates of U-School returned in the fall for Homecoming tosee the Univees play Harry E. Wood of Indianapolis, and to witnessthe crowning of Susie Baker as Homecoming Queen. Loyal studentsstaged a bonfire rally before the game and formed a car parade toUnivee Field.Larry Fleener of B.H.S.’ and Nona Bell dance to thelatest hit, surrounded by a ring of admirers.Rusty Cleland and Betty Jean Marshall relax from theexcitement of a ball game at the dance afterward. |
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University High School |
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