Unionville High School, The Graphic, 1949, Page 41

Description: impossible:GOVERNMENT“The wife of the congressional representative sat up in bed, a startled look onher face.“Jim,*’ she whispered, “there’s a robber in the house.’’“Impossible: ’* was the reply. “In theSenate --yes. But in the House --never: ’’TYPING“Feet flat on floor, eyes on copy, fingers curved, arms in, muscles relaxed,” isMrs. McClung’s customary warning beforewe hear, “Get ready for a ten minute test.”It’s a difficult task to take a test early inthe morning when you’re still half asleep,but it is a good way to wake up the class.The rapidity with which a package of typingpaper disappears might be an indication ofgreat energy. Is it? The old adage, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” might bea good motto for typists.HOUSEWIFEYoung Bride: “Do you sell dry goods here?”Grocer: “No, this is a grocery store.”Bride: “Oh, I am so sorry. I wantedto buy some dried apples.”“We, the People of the United States,in order to form a more perfect Union,establish justice,” recited Jim for theJunior-Senior Government Class. Thesestudents are working hard to learn theideals which are so necessary in the appreciation of democratic government. Aknowledge of facts is needed if they areto become good citizens. Sometimes wegrumble a little when Mrs. Richardsontells us to memorize the Preamble to theUnited States Constitution or the Declaration of Independence; but when we think ofthe importance of these documents, I’msure we all thank her for her guidance.Betty Young to “Bud” Richardson:Of course I’ll let you hold my handRight here along the street,If you will be so very niceAnd buy me things to eat.HOME ECONOMICSThose tantalizing smells that driftedup from the Home Economics Room thefirst semester are missed by all. Thefaculty regrets the necessary change fromfood study to clothing. They have lost that“well fed” look this semester. The girlsin the Senior Home Economics Class areworking hard to improve the appearance ofthe Home Economics Room. It will not only make the surroundings at school morepleasant, but it will also train them fortheir future jobs of making homes for theirfamilies. If the girls will heed some of thegood advice their teacher, Mrs. Trennepohlgives to them, they will profit much.41
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-unionville/id/544
Collection: Unionville High School

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