Unionville High School, The Graphic, 1949, Page 12

Description: THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE CLASS OF 1949I, the Senior Class of Unionville High School, being on my last leg and of soundmind (decidedly unbalanced in the eyes of the Juniors) do bequeath the following:To the Janitor I leave the nice warm registers on which we sometimes burn ourarms and the little drips which enter the “gym.” I mean the drips which enter byway of the roof, not the door.To each and every member of the Faculty, I leave a new set of well insulatednerves mailed direct from “Sears,” also eleven bottles of “Kolorbak” to erase anytrace of damage I may have done to their hair.To the Juniors I leave the problem of making an annual if they are capable of advancing to the high and mighty position which all Seniors must attain.To the Sophomores I leave my ability to chew bubble-gum in study hall and “getby with it” (at least, I like to think I do).To the Freshmen I leave the bottomless desks in rooms ten and eleven which remain bottomless in spite of the noisy work done on them for three days by Ray andBud during the first period History Class. They won’t hold much, will they “kids?”To the lower grades I leave all my gnawed, eraserless pencils which are lessthan two inches in length. They are educated pencils which know how to make a goodgrade on a surprise quiz if you just push them the right way.We, the individual members of the Senior Class, wish to make the following individual bequests:I, Katherine Illeen McGowen, will my natural wavy hair to Catherine Hacker andmy ability to get “eyes made at me by the boys” to Mattie Stamper.I, Donald Eugene McClary, will my well tended beard to Pete Ward and my romantic ways to Max Robertson.I, Norma Mae Lincicome, will my vocal cords to Dorothy Marbry and my weakvertebras to Erma Skirvin.I, James Eugene Long, will my bright remarks to Bobby McCoy. My Chevrolet,which is somewhat dulled, I leave to Donald Jones.I, Dolly Faye Pelley, will my uncontrollable giggle to Luvilla Young and my ability to play volleyball to Shirley Young.I, William Keith Richardson, with enormous confidence in my sanity, bequeath myathletic ability to Vernal Richardson and my firm foundation (large feet) to Virgil Ross.I, Mary Lavon Russ, will my Senior skirt to Beatrice Galyan and my Hill-billy accent to Wanda Sullivan.I, Audrey Mae West, will my bright blue eyes to Tom McClary, and my big mouthto Margaret Baugh. I hope, Margaret, that you learn better than I how to control it.I, Isaac Howard Richardson, (“Bud” to you) will my inability to engage in a soundpolitical argument to my brother, Melvin. My Senior cords I bequeath to HomerGalyan.12
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-unionville/id/515
Collection: Unionville High School

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