Unionville High School, The Graphic, 1941, Page 77

Description: JOKESTeacher: Jimmie, can you give mo Napoleon’s nationality?Jimmie: Course I can.Toucher: Thats right, Corsecan.A negro boy catching moles out of his neighbors garden at100 a mole*Neighbors How many have you caught?Negro Boy: If I catch this one and two more I’ll have three.’Neighbor: What is your son taking up at college?Father: Space, Nothing but space,”Botkin: Arithmetic is an exact science. Figures cant lie.For instance, if one man can build a house in 12 days,12 men can build it in one day.Harshey: Oh, yeah? Then 288 men can build it in one hour,17,280 men in one minute, 71,036 men in one second.Paul Reinsch: After I had sung, everyone cried Fine I Fine IEugene Fleener: Dear me • Did you have to pay it.Paul R: Did I hear her say you were a blockhead?Carl Mt No, she didn’t make it that strong, she just saidpull down your cap here comes a woodpecker.Hubby: You must think automobiles grow on trees.Wife: Silly, everyone knows they come from plants.A man at the marriage bureau about to be presented to hisbride, whispered to the agent; Man: She is ugly,small, hunch-backed and cross-eyed.Agent: You needn’t whisper, she is deaf, too.Mabel W: My boy friends haven’t serenaded under my windowsince Hector was a pup.Ruth S: Isn’t that hard to explain?Mabel W: No! That’s why father bought Hector.Gent: Last night a big robber stuck a gun in my ribs andI only laughed.Lady: Brave, eh?Gent: No, ticklish.
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-unionville/id/227
Collection: Unionville High School

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