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CUSS HISTORYWhen the Seniors of 1941 entered school in 1935 therewere 37 enrolled. Roxie Stevens withdrew. Mabel Wampler withdrew and went to Florida, but re-entered the last month ofschool. At the end of 1935*36, the enrollment was 36.At the beginning of the school yeer 1936-37, thirty -twostudents enrolled. Leroy Carey, Paul Richardson, Eph Bough,Jessie Petro, end Glen Brummett withdrew. Robert ;alker andCarl Myers entered from different schools.During our Freshman year, ovr enrollment was 23. Oursponsor was Mr. Brown. Pupils entered from schools wareEugone Fleenor and Alice Galyan.At the beginning of our school year 38-39, 25 studentswore enrolled. Harold Weddle was seriously hurt after he hadbeen in school two months and couldn’t continue in our class.Leon Baugh, and Martha Fritch withdrew during theSophomoreyear.The final number of students in our class was 22. Oursponsor was Mrs. Richardson.During our Junior yetr there were eighteen students enrolled with our sponsor Mrs. Richardson and one now studentCarl Myers. Ruby Stevens, Ruby Meadows, Lon Fleener, ByronFleener, and Loon Hash withdrew, and Bob ualkcr moved away.we started the year broke, but as basket bull season got,under way we made good progress in c&ndy sales.The profit of our candy sales were $38»72. Wc also soldmagazines with a profit of $5*47*Hext come one of our great events, the Junior play. Wcchoose ’’Girl Shy.” to had it March 29, 1940. The receiptsfrom this were $40.10.tfc selected our rings at the cad of our Junior yoar.We took a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio, visiting the zoo andmany other interesting places, he got the thrill of seeing abroadcast.In 1940-41 we entered school with an enrollment of 15*Our sponsor was Mr. Sinn. Do had a pic social Oct. 17, 1940and the proceeds of this were $23*11.The individual pictures were taken Oct. 28. of the seniorclrss which aro to bo put into the annual that we ore havingmade at the present tine.wo made the order for our caps and gowns, on October 2,1940. i’ke colors aro to bo royal blue with white tossils. Thedate of our Commencement is to bo April 29, 1941* Tho datefor the Baccalorate is to be April 27, 1941.De chose as our Senior does play ”bhat Happened To Unci#It is to be given March 21, 1941. |
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Unionville High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.