Unionville High School, The Echo, 1937, Page 76

Description: HISTORY Of UUIuNVILLJ HIGH SCHOOLIn the 1916, a movement was started for ahigh school in Benton Township. Bands were formed andwith speakers, both young old, they went over thetownship trying to persuade the people the benefits ofa high school. At that time and until Unionville HighSchool was built, students•desirirg hi^.h school education hud to go* to Bloomixxgcon High School to get it.However, nothing material developed from the movement until about 1922^ In that year Unionville HighSchool was built and C.zi. Martin was selected as principal.Under his guidance, the High School progressed until it became a model school. The High School Wc.splanned beautifully and contained details and conveniences uachought of in ouher nigh schools.The gyn WaS located in the easement, some of theearly basketball stars of Unionville ^re able to exhibit sc^is iro.i injuries they received when they ’’met*1the coiicrete Walls of the former gym.Typing and ilaiiUal Training ware subjects taught atU. H. S. that helped it win the title of Ocing a modelschool.Jut -.s the years roller on, lore and lore studentsenrolled and consequently some pl., co had to be found toput theii. Che gym in the basement was divided and twoclass rooms were made from it. Later the manual training equipment was stored and »the manual training roombecame a class room.In 193.4, the co.uiu.iity gym was built, not fromfunds raised from taxation,- but from donations by thepeople oi the community. In 1927 an addition Was builtto the gym. _t mtsciit plans are Doing discussed forbuildinj, an addition to the High School.
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-unionville/id/125
Collection: Unionville High School

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