Stinesville High School, Quarrian, 1933, Page 80

Description: By Pansy Medley and Marye LittenCLASS PROPHECYIn the year of 1945 we entered a large building inNew York, where we met a thin little man dressed in along black gown, with a red sash around his waist anda turban of the same color on his head. He looked soweak and pale that Dr. Marye Litten Wampler was on>^the verge of asking him if ho.needed an operation.\^„I, however, being a newspaper reporter and used to strange people, poked her in the ribs, which quieted her.The Magician began muttering and our eyes were directed toward the crystal.It revealed a room in the Wayne Szatkowski MemorialHospital in Stinesville. ,There moving quietly aboutwas Head Nurse, Edith ^cuily Szatkowski. She was ^ying to feed- some broth to Dorothy Barr, who was makinga death bed confession to Rev. Wilbert Swafford.Dorothys story was a sad one. She had married FaynePhillips, but after finding out he was flirting withother girls down by Central Business College, she decided to kill him and burn the college down, pie wastaken to court and hired Leo Crismore as her lawyer.Leo talked so fast that the jury could not understandwhether he was telling the truth or not so they letDorothy go free. Dorothy was so pleased over her vict*-ory that she began to lead the yells for herself andfinally fell against the stove. She was rushed to thehospital badly burned, and a fractured skull, all herribs broken, and both arms torn off. We did not get tosee if she died because Dr. Wampler became excited andknocked over the crystal.The next scent took us to Hollywood there we sawClaude Wampler who had played in two thousand movingpictures, but all the Movie Stars became jealous ofhim so he now operates a night club. As entertainershe had 12 red haired dancing girls. The magician toldus they were the children of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chase.tWe looked into the crystal again and saw Ola Waltonthe former secretary of President Donald MacMorran.Ola had fallen in love with James DeLapp, a noted bas-1ketball coach who had married the famous artist,DorothyjMcHenry. Ola lost her mind completely and was. sent to ]<he Stinesville Insane Asylum, but after hearing that>it was designed by Dorothy McHenry she tried to tear Idown by punching holes in it with her finger nails. <The crystal then showed Ruth Payton, who starred life as a nurse but married a wealthy business manfrom Chicago. After finding out that he already hadten wives she divorced him and secured a position inCathertaa—Stewarts beauty Parlor, in New Albany.)The magician ceased speaking and snapped onihe^ligfffcs. He stared at us for a few minutes and |;hen snatched off his wig, and there was John OConnor
Collection: Stinesville High School

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