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Stinesville High School, Quarrian, 1958, Page 2

Description: imiUSCHOOL HISTORYBean Blossoms first four schools were log buildings. The first in 1828, in a vacated residenceof the Putnam locality, north of Mt. Tabor, was taught by a Mr. Taylor. The second, between1832 and 1936, was in the Van Buskirk and Gentry vicinities, about one mile south of Stinesville.In 1903, a new school was built about one-eighth of a mile north of the old one. This building was of rough stone, two stories high and contained four rooms. This was an advancement, butstill only three years of high school could be obtained.In 1928, the number of rooms was increased. A gymnasium, an assembly, three classrooms,and an office were added to the building, making a total of 15 rooms.On March 14, 1935, about 9:30 p. m., the school building burned to the ground. In three daysschool was resumed in empty store buildings. With a lot of hard work and management, the students of Stinesville High School met for the first time in the new building on September 9, 1937; thegym was completed in the fall of 1938. The new building and gym were dedicated on November 4,1938.In 1941, the hot-lunch program was started by Ralph Young and Hazel Minnick, and was sponsored by the P. T. A.In 1953, a fine big stage was added to the east side of the gym. It was a real improvement andfurnished a place for the events that took place in the school.In the summer of 1955, the centennial celebration, Stinesvilles one hundredth birthday, washeld on the baseball diamond.In 1956, our drive-way and parking lot was blacktopped and a new water system was installed.
Collection: Stinesville High School

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