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OPERETTA—WHO DISCOVERED Al ERICA?The Chorus class under direction of Miss McClure presentedthe Operetta April 11. The stcny and cast are as follows:Congress, desiring to settle who discovered America, hasappointed a board of College Presidents to hold a hearing. Dr.Cerebellum (James Thrasher) is chairman, and Professor Diction(David Freese), General Target (John Wampler), and AdmiralBroadside (Charles Butcher) are on the Board of Judges.On the night of the announcement of the decision, Dr. Cerebellum let Phylis (Jean Hays) talk over the microphone. Shetold the nation of her love problem of choosing between Phil(John May) and Jack (Burtal Owings). Congress on hearingPhyllis’s troubles helped her solve them with a happy ending.Other characters of the Operetta were; Olive (Helen Moore),a girl friend of Phyllis; Phoobe (Margaret Fortner), a spinsterwho falls for Dr. Cerebellum; Graham Cracker (Mike Thrasher), aradio announcer; and Harry (Robert Stillions) and Perry (DenverPerry), the Photographers. The College Presidents, the Chorus,and the dancers completed the cast.ORCHESTRA 1939-40Orchestra department started first semester with thirtyseven beginners and twenty intermediate players. The advancedorchestra with an enrollment of 31 at beginning of school hasnow grown to a membership of 40 members. March 1, Mr.Sargent organized more beginners classes which now numbers 50.Some of the outstanding appearances of advanced Orchestrathis year were; Fall festival at Ellettsville, Negro Minstrelwhich was sponsored by the Orchestra, Christmas ConvocationProgram, Senior Play-program between acts, Broadcast over radiostation W I B C, Junior Play-program between acts, Tri-CountyMusic Festival, Flayed for Operetta,Baccalaureate Exercises,and Commencement Exercises., The Orchestra also played for allthe home basketball games.THE MINSTRELThe Smithville High School Music Department presented ablack face minstrel, December 6, 1939. Fifteen boys participated and Mr. Sargent acted as interlocutor.Eugene Roberts gave a washboard specialty and Eugene Smootcontributed his composition of the Talking Blues with a banjoaccompaniment. Selections were played by the band consistingof mandolins, guitars, cornets, jugs, and a washboard.During the program the Glee Club sang three songs, JeanHays sang a solo, and the orchestra played some selections. |
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Smithville High School |
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