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JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLAnother cycle of education is completed by the boys andgirls of the Junior High School. Their ship embarked lastSeptember with approximately sixty-five passengers toexperience the realities of strange pilots, a lengthyprogram, new books and divers situtations.By adverse circumstances some of the crew transferredor withdrew, while the residue with a faith unfeigned wefted by strong ambitions, abilities, aptitudes,andadaptabilities braved the storm of self-denial, inclementweather, sickness, and difficult lessons to make a triumphalentry.W-O-R-K was’ the key that unlocked the door of thissuccessful trip. The adage “All work and no play makesJack a dull boy” is generally accepted, but the opposite isjust as significant All play and no work makes Jack a dullboy.” A careful adjustment of work and play mingled withnature’s gift’s of fresh air, the light of day, laughing,talking, singing, etc, made the trip a delightful one.Everyone was anxious to be a success. It was thisanxiety as exemplified by the life of Abraham Lincoln, whoregardless of the obscurity of his birth, the poverty of hisearly years, the denial of his means to an education whena boy, the bitter opposition of his tempestuouspolitical career, yet he said, ”1 do the best I know—-thevery best I can--and I mean to keep right on doing so untilthe end” which made him successful, that lighted the pathwayof the ship into the anticipated port of Promotion.Success came daily to thoso who gained knowledge thatmodified their lives by causing them to have the properattitude toward school work and rightful living.There is joy in achievement. The boys and girls whowere graduated from the Junior High School are happy. Thepupils in the seventh grade, thoy too,have gone another cyclein their educational career and the year1940 will find themduplicating the graduating class of 1939* |
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Smithville High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.