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Harmony School, 1991, Page 146

Description: How do you describe a new program and introduce a new student bodyto the Harmony Community? The HIP students (fondly known asHipsters)decided to write 2 fictional stories about the adventures of this new program.These are traveling stories, each person contributing a few lines as the evolvingtale was passed around the room.At the first group (Council) meeting of the HIP students, Rocaddressed the students using the analogy of the first American pilgrims makingthe westward journey. He talked about how these first settlers took on thechallenge of their journey, using ingenuity and hard work to achieve theirdestination. He noted that many persevered and reached their destinations,while others died along the trail. Roc explained that these first HIP students arelike those first settlers, they are trail blazers marking a new path, a neweducational program for Harmony School. The stories show that the HIPstudents took this analogy to heart.HIPIn the early days we were just a bunch of pioneers,making our harmonious way through the jungles ofBloomington. And on Friday we killed our fish. And it wasgood. Then we shoveled poop with our pooper scoop, andit was good. We also drank pee, and it was good. Also, wehad a lot of fun.Through all this fun in the jungle, we stucktogether, making our way slowly toward the quicksandwhich lay, unavoidably, before us. Mike, our leader, wasthe first of our group to find himself neck deep in theslimy ooze of the Bloomington landfill. It was the HIPplace to be, so we followed him fearlessly into the mire.We looked at each other strangely trying to figureeach other out. And analyzed ourselves. We’ve all falleninto the slimy ooze - some will not return. We’re alltrying to crawl out of this mess. Hopefully we’ll continueto help each other and get out of this slime and reach a * -plateau.And some geeks will get all messed up and stealtheir daddys car and will take their mothers pills andget all messed up and end up dead. Dead in a ditch liketheir mothers told them they would. k:So after they died, months later, they came back tolife and tried to start all over again in the HIP program.146
Collection: Harmony School

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