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1/15/00Medic Workshop Held at HarmonyOn January 14th and 15th a class was held atHarmony School. Not just any class-this was a class onprotest and riot first aid.It all started in mid-October when I was attending ameeting of the Mumia Emergency Response Coalitionand I proposed the idea of this class. The reaction waspositive and enthusiastic and thus it began. Peoplefrom Muncie, Fort Wayne and Indianapolis traveled toHarmony to attend the class. The teacher, Doc Rosen,has had more than 35 years experience as a medical aidin protests and riots. He treated his first tear gasvictim in Selma, Alabama during the Selma,Montgomery march in 1965. Ever since, he has beenperforming and teaching riot medicine. This year hewas the chief medic in the Seattle WTO protests.Another team leader was Pavlos Stavroplous, aveteran of the 1992 Martin Luther King Day riots inDenver, CO.The class taught participants skills ranging fromtreating head wounds to treating the effects of tear gas.People learned the information through lectures,examples, constant drilling and role playing.—Ari Rosen1/17/00Social Action DayIn 1983, musician Stevie Wonder successfully led acampaign to declare Martin Luther Kings birthday anational holiday. The first celebration of the holidaytook place on January 15, 1986. That is when Harmonyfirst started the Social Action Day tradition. Pastyears have involved various members of the communitywho volunteered to teach workshops. This year,students watched movies that dealt with equal rights,discussed the history of Martin Luther King Jr. andevents in black history. King helped establish equalrights in America and brought to light the injustice ofsegregation. Although prejudice still exists, Kinginitiated radical changes in the ideology of American |
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Harmony School |
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