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Harmony School, 2000, Page 44

Description: 10/27/99:Musical: The MusicalIn the spring of 1999 Kevin Holladay put on a musicalhere at Harmony, to celebrate his last year. Ipersonally did not see it, but I heard it was a BIG hit,This year hes putting it on again and Im in it! Hesdoing it for a exploration class, so that we will havemore time to work on it, and I must say its one of thebest exploration/creation classes Ive ever been in myseven years at Harmony School, because when we go toclass we just sit back, talk about what were going to do,practice our lines and songs and then we get up and do itall on stage. Its the last week [of rehearsals] and werestaying after school every day, even last Monday,when we didnt have any school at all. Its been hecticand some people are under a lot of stress, but our starsNick Ardizzone and Carrie Platz are doing just fine. Ihave a good feeling its gonna be great, and I hope youcome to see it.--Sebastian RudolphieBig U.S History exam in Helenas class10/28/99:Costume Parade awards are finished[44
Collection: Harmony School

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