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10/20/99:Red Cross Representative Visits Student SolidarityRed Cross representative, Ed Vande Sande came totalk to the Student Solidarity committee today. Hetalked about using Harmony School as a neighborhoodshelter in an emergency situation. He gave thecommittee some information and a form to fill out aboutschool facilities and capacity.Student Solidarity has been discussing the idea ofusing the school as a shelter for several weeks. Thegeneral voice of the committee supports the idea,believing it to be a great way to get involved with theElm Heights neighborhood. They will discuss it inmeetings to come and try to be prepared in case of anemergency.-U Staff5&6 distance connection with Carrie Gosh in EastChicago-read poems for two voicesAn ECP rock-n-roll band starts up in the block area10/21/99:What is Happiness?A. I feel happy when I give things to people who needthem more then me.Last weekend we went through my closet and found alot of clothes that didnt fit me, so we gave them to mysister and some of them didnt fit her, so we gave them40 |
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Harmony School |
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