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Harmony School, 1991, Page 4

Description: THESE ARE THE GOOD OL DAYSAs the years roll by people ask me about the schools good of days, those days ofeducational trail blazing, youthful exuberance, smallness. Well, those days have neverchanged -- we are still very much the school in 1991 that Marsha experienced in 1976.Four presidents away from Richard Nixon, we are still trail blazing, youthful andintimate. The building, the growing programs, and increased enrollment hasntsubstantially changed our mission or methods. And four presidents from now, when ourstudents have become parents, Harmony will still embody the spirit that moved Marshaand Alessandra to compose the following words.-- Steve BonchekExcerpts from the earliest & most recent graduation speeches:1976: (enrollment 25) I started attending Harmony School in the fall of 1974. I went therenot knowing what to expect, or what they would expect of me. At first all I could do was feeluncomfortable. My dealings with no less than seven public schools had made me thisway. It took me a couple of months to realize Harmony wasnt a place where I had to bethere 8 to 3, had to make straight As to be on someones honor roll, had to be with ateacher who was there to give you xeroxed lessons, but not much more. Harmonyturned out to be a lot different. Harmonys learn at your own pace philosophy hasreally meant a lot to me. At Harmony I found that I could learn at my own pace and notfeel inferior, therefore making learning enjoyable, not a chore. Another thing Id like tomention is the closeness here at Harmony. I tend to think of the school as a big family.By this I mean that everyone is willing to help each other grow and thrive and everyoneplays a major part. No one is neglected and everyone is needed. Flexibility is alsoimportant at Harmony. While learning the basics youre allowed to explore other fieldsyoure interested in. Through Harmony I came into contact with people who knew a lotabout these fields.These have been valuable learning experiences and now I know what Iwant to do and what goals I want to accomplish.- Marsha Washington1991: (enrollment 140) When I came to Harmony 2J/2 years ago Id already felt Id beenhere for years. People have asked me every year if I was graduating that year, I alwayssmiled and said no, thinking how much longer I still had until I would graduate. NowI am graduating at last. I am both sad and excited to leave Harmony. I have had awonderful time. This year has been the most challenging, educational and exciting yearof my life. I learned things that I could never have learned any other way (spendingthree months in Costa Rica). Besides learning Spanish, I learned so much about history,culture and lives of Central American people. I will never be the same person I wasbefore the trip. I learned things about myself, and became much more aware of mycapabilities and power. Harmony has taught me a lot about working and living in acommunity, making group decisions, dealing with problems, planning trips. It is soimportant to be able to work in a community, dealing with other people honestly andopenly. In the face of such severe global problems, it is important to have schools likeHarmony that encourage people to think creatively, and independently. Harmony hasacted as a spring board for me, allowing me to explore new areas of the world andmyself.- Alessandra Ogren
Collection: Harmony School

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