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Harmony School, 1994, Page 63

Description: WcrsanMAll Alone11In an orphanage in New York there lived a girl namedCaroline. She was about 10 years old, but she was not sure forshe had lost track at seven. She was a tall girl and very smart.The only thing she wanted was to find her long lostgrandparents who had taken a ship, but were lost at sea aroundCanada and never seen again. “Should I, Nancy,” she asked herold doll, “should I run away, should I?” That night she andNancy snuck away. Once alone she began to run. “Nancy,” shesaid as she ran,”I’m getting scared.” They ran to the nearest trainstation and boarded a train to Canada. Since she had spentalmost all of her money she didn’t have much to spare. One nightthe train lurched to a stop. The conductor came to the car shewas in and said,”It seems that we’re out of coal. I’ve had to sendsomeone to fetch some.” A couple of days later, they were back ontrack and pulling into a train station in Nova Scotia. Just then aphone book blew past. She picked it up and looked in the “K”section. Koon, King, Korblis and Kafman. She began to run to thehouse that had the same address. She knocked on the door. Anold man came to the door and said, “May I ask who you are?” Shesaid,’’Caroline Kafman.” “You may come in,” said thegrandmother. “Caroline, now we have found you,” said hergrandparents,’’Now all we have to do is call the orphanage andWhat do you do when youre angry?I yell at Anna or Lou, then I get them in trouble and yell at Anna or Lou again.(It doesnt work!) so I yell at Mommy and Daddy. They send me to my room. ThenI feel bad. I say, I hate you a lot!L63 ?>.adopt you
Collection: Harmony School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.