Harmony School, 1998, Page 99

Description: V%Ctt bs fee?R/98People are often asked this question, but never seem to takeit seriously. They tend to reply with the impression, thatit is just a simple thing that automatically comes with life,yjr In my opinion it is more like one of those Giga Pets, in thesense that it requires a large amount of patience and care,■fc* Often people spend their whole life hoping to find lovewhen, it is just hitting them right in the face. This here is acommon recurring love story in both life and movies. Forsome reason people have friends, or watching a movie (Iufi would list some but the number is to obscenely big) the topicf seems to pop up. My theory on how that started is that way■B^back when dirt was made, no sort of entertainment had beeninvented yet. So all there was to talk about was each other. But that is really not the topic. According to thedictionary, love is simply a feeling of warm personalattachment or deep affection. That is actually pretty^much how I think of love, but then again I dont reallythink I can really tell just what it is until Im in love.J/98Love is dependence.Love is independence.4^ Love is getting a great present.Love is a handy biological tool.Love is.Love is annoying.Love is comforting.^FBut Love itself is more than just a feeling or instance; it is■ban entire existence unto itself. No one can live without it,^^yet it does not live, but it causes life, and life causes it.Is that strange?J^So love cant be a tangible thing. But its obviously more^than just a feeling or instance, its a fundamental truth.After all, where would we all be if it wasnt for it?^|Love contradicts itself. Look at my list above. All the items^make sense, but when compared, they dont.^^So love is not a real thing, but it still is, and always will be.* 41—HiOwiE^ASirwiriHWhat is love? Love is a great many things. It is almost■^impossible to describe love in a single essay, but here areAsome things that Love is.
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-harmony/id/1667
Collection: Harmony School

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