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114 *isBe-M.s!fW.I Somewhere overA scene from the| The Gizzzard of (Mt. Sillyerupts,spewing ashower of, ribbons amconfetti< across thecountrysideBarney1 GouldinsteiS®was ai witness tothefestivities.3 “We were just a’settin’ here mindin’1 our own bizniss when a big shower c® confetti’n wutnot come down from th’heavens and we dun thought th’ sky.,well, we dun thought she was< a’fallin’.”n Birthday girl Selma Erkh was very. flattered by the gods little tribute to heeighty-seventh birthday. She wasi quoted as saying, “Swell.”IGizzzzzzzarWelcome to the Gizzzard, theI tabloid section of the yearbook. InI keeping with the secrets of theI universe theme of the yearbook youI may choose to ask yourself your! own questions.l Such as-1 Why would a yearbook devote such4 a large section to some mindlessI scribblings of some students?Why is it called the Gizzzard?5 Who wrote this crap?| Are we going to be quizzed on this?/ Does this violate anything statedfj in the first amendment?| The answers to these questions’ will become as clear as GrapeI Kool-Ade as you flip through the| pages of— °j The GizzzardrainbowL Okay so its a horrible* play on words, so Sumi! |
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Harmony School |
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