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Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1944, Page 29

Description: THE EAGLEThe first Eagle ever to be published wasprinted in 1934 under the direction of MissEsther Raines, commercial teacher in thelocal high school. This publication wasmade possible by the business men of Ellettsville. During Miss Raines supervision theeditors were as follows: 1934-35, KathrynStevens; 1935-36, Mary F. Curry; 1936-37,Ethel Miller; 1937-38, Dorothy Jackson andBertice Lawhead; 1938-39, Cozine Weathers,and 1939-40, Jerry Cole.In 1940-41 the Eagle was published by thecommercial department under the directionof Miss Swails. Elmo Deckard was at thereins as editor. In 1941-42, Betty RoseGrubbs handled the editorship with care,and in 1942-43 there were two editors, Winfred Hardisty during the first semester andWilbur Reynolds during the second. Thisyear the Eagle is under the leadership of BobSt. Clair and is published weekly as a special feature of the Ellettsville Journal. TheEagle reaches about 3,000 people weekly.Bottom Row—Esther Sparks, Reporter; Wilma Jean DeFord, Class News Editor; Ernestine Fuller,Girls Sports; Bob St. Clair, Editor-in-Chief; Earle Wolfe, Boys Sports; Marilyn Jo Brown, NewsEditor; Ralph Brashaber, Reporter.Second Row—Nina McNeely, Senior Reporter; Betty Oliver, Junior Reporter; Anne Faulkner,Typist; Lillian Halstead. Typist; Jack Winans, Grade Reporter; Mary E. Tapp, Grade Reporter.Third Roiu—Jean Schooling, Freshman Reporter; Bella Swails, Sponsor; Barbara Howard, GradeReporter.Page Twenty-nine
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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