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Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1944, Page 22

Description: TLe CLASS PROPHESY...^ YWi. i9MAfter twenty jears, Jackie Gooldy, a member of the seniorclass of 1944, has finally reached the goal for which all themembers were striving. In our senior year we decided that thefirst member of the class to become a millionaire was to give aparty for all the members of the senior class.Jackie hired a special messenger from the Western Union todeliver the invitations as personal telegrams. The messengerboy was Bob St. Clair, who from his position as sports editor ofthe Ellettsville Journal has climbed to chief messenger boy forthe Western Union.Nineteen hundred and sixty-lour has found the membersscattered all over the United States.The first person to receive her telegram was Mury Harris.Mury, the first woman president of the United States, has succeeded President Roosevelt, who resigned at the end of hiseighth term.We now find Bob in Swiftwater, New Hampshire, looking forMelva Oard. Melva, after a very lively young life, has finallysettled down to rearing a family.Johnny Hynds received his invitation while he was in themiddle of his radio program. He is now Jack Benny II, and heseems to be doing very well at making wisecracks. KennethReynolds is the radio announcer on Johnnys show, advertisingCarters Little Liver Pills.Esther Patrick, who is following the example of her ancestors,is teaching school in Ellettsville. Esther has resolved to be anold maid school teacher, as she is very much depressed over herbroken engagement with Robert Cummings.Page Twenty-twoLois Miller is still trying to decide whom she is going to marry.It seems as if she cant make up her mind about all the armyfellows.Anne Faulkner is now vocal soloist with Phil Spitalny andhis all-girl orchestra. When Anne isnt singing, she is directingplays at one of the Broadway studios.Barton Stines is in New York directing a group of chorus girlsin the new Broadway hit, Burlesque Girls.Barbara Gillespie owns and operates a beauty salon in Chicago, Illinois. She has five girls under her and one of them isBetty Burch.Captain Bob Miller is still in the army. After the war ended,Bob decided this was the best thing for him to do. He doesntseem to want anyone to know very much about what he is doing,but wTe think he is working on a secret invention.Violet Webb, who wTas always good in arithmetic, is nowteaching arithmetic in the junior high school in Flint, Michigan.Juanita Still is very happily married. It seems as if ErnestineFuller, who was Juanitas best friend, is now Juanitas personalmaid.Nina McNeely is private secretary to a lawyer in a very prominent firm in Dallas, Texas. Our messenger Bob reports thatNina seems to spend most of her time sitting on her bosss lap.After Bessie Bruce left high school, she joined the ArmyNurse Corps. She is still following her profession and is a nursein the Bloomington Hospital.
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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