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IN BLOOMINGTON ITS.a=«=ffiati£=fi=a=a=ifc^silCCCPECII |s»!=fi=Qrifcse3e^^Fine Watches : Diamonds : Jewelry119 East 5th StreetPhone 2793S. S. KRESGE COMPANY5c - 10c - 25c Stores —o— 25c - $1.00 StoresPhone 3950 -o- Phone 3561Orders of $2 and over delivered FREE.WEST SIDE OF SQUARETry Kresges FirstTheir Reason |= n u *What inspired the old-time pio- |neers to set forth in their covered |j RINGLETTE BEAUTY SHOPwagons? 1i Well, maybe they didnt want to |714 West 7th Streetwait about 30 years for a train.1 >K—■ 1| Bloomington, IndianaBuchanan: Mutt, did you throw ||those wads that are sticking on the ||window? 1Phone 6127Mutt F.: No, mine never stuck. ||| Seaman Sam: Say, Bill, if you|| had five bucks in your pocket, what|l would you think?|| Bill: Id think I had somebody|| elses pants.Mr. Stewart: Say, do you knowa fellow down your way with one legl| named Wilson?11 Mrs. Stewart (doubtfully) : Well,11 now, Im not sure. Whats the name|| of the other leg?Leading THE PARADE ofEntertainment HITSThePRINCESS and HARRIS GRANDTHEATERSBloomtngton, IndianaI U3£Sfelfc5t_IL_£SSfclS^Sfc3fc •Page Forty-nine |
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Ellettsville High School |
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