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ys^^TV——r- r—-E H S r^-^-J—~L LAMAR AD A——r———>~^l 941-j. jr. 3.Ill Never Forget (I. N. F.). This page is to commemorate certain acts and experiences of the Senior Class of 1941. In this they will freely express their thoughtsand dearest memories of old E. H. S.ILL NEVER FORGET—My trip to Showerss Factory and the Poor Farm—Roselean Abbitt.My experience of eating canned pears in the kitchen—Bernice Bruce.My life as a negro in Pigtails—Doris Crider.The time we locked Miss Harding out of Latin class—Norris Crismore.My experience on the bottom of a football pile-up and broken arms—ElmoDeckard.My furniture-hauling career for the class plays, the motor trouble and all—JohnDewar.The time Mr. Stewart polished the skating rink—Hubert Frame.My record for being late in safety class; did I sleep too late or was it accidentlyon purpose???—John Gillespie.The kidding I got from the other students when Miss Williams taught schoolhere—Hubert Goble.The way Mr. Sakel teased me and made some remark about my actions everymorning in safety class—James Goodall.The A I made in typing—Bob Grubb.The fire drills and my trips down the fire escape—Nola Doris Hamm.Miss Swailss big assignments in the advanced typing class—Jean Hendricks.The first Crosscup Kiss—Barabara Holler.Miss Hardings fall over an accordion—Ralph Kelley.How well I got along with my teachers—Bob Loesch.The way my fountain pen made the rounds as the seniors made use of it—CleonMartindale.The time we went to Indianapolis to the State House and went to the FoxTheater instead—Edwin Middleton.The time we were stranded in Bloomington by seeing the show sponsored by thesophomores—Violet Oliver.The grand arguments Elmo Deckard and I had every day in civics class—ErmaPhipps.How angry Mr. Sakel made me when he kidded me about a certain 1940 graduate—Betty Ratliff.Mr. Sakels love for teasing certain boys and girls in safety 12—Buford Roberts.Miss Harding sliding across the floor in Latin class—Dorothy Schaadt.My experiences in getting enough proofs for Mr. Stewart in geometry—MaryEllen Shigley.Eating grapefruit at play practice—Ruth Stines.My joy when Mr. Crismore bought his 41 Chevrolet—June Evans.The time we threw water on Hubert Goble at play practice—Melvin Taylor.Page Twenty-six■H |
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Ellettsville High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.