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LLAMARADACOMPLIMENTS OFWETZEL fl^ijpSfay SALESSpencer, Ind. Phone 31We Wish Success To Our Schools andBasketball Team of 38 and 39;Also Our Parent and Teachers Association.Fount Edwards Grocery& Meat MarketEllettsville, Ind.Phone 39Compliments ofJOHN VAN BUSKIRKGroceryBloomington, IndianaCIRGINS MARKETFresh and Cured Meatsand GroceriesR. R. No. 6Phone 3802Wholesale—RetailBLOOMINGTON PAINT& WALL PAPER CO.Paints—Wall Paper—GlassArt SuppliesPhone 3894 North Side SquareLoester: What does nottransferable on the seasonticket mean? Do you know?Violet: It means that noperson will be admitted to anygame unless he comes himself.Faye Libkie: What wasIrene talking to you about?Mary Wright: Oh, business.Faye: I know, but whose?A bachelor is a man whonever makes the same mistake once.Even his best friends wouldnt tell him—so he flunked theexam.Many people have a goodaim in life, but never pull thetrigger.Garnet: Hows your testaverage in Geometry?Hubert G.: Got 97 so far.Garnet: Mighty good.Hubert: Yeah, made 35 onthe first test, 40 on the second,and 22 on the third.Mr. Weathers: Well, Lucille, I see you werent talkingin study hall this morning.Lucille: No, sir. I nevertalk in my sleep.Jeanne: To think Im thefirst girl you ever loved.Warren: Yes, darling.Jeanne: And to think thatyou think I believe that.Mr. Stuart: Did you everhear of any success in historywithout arms?Mary Ellen S.: What aboutthe Winged Victory?Father: Son, what did youdo with that last ten spot Igave you?Warren Schooling: I boughta dollars worth of apples andoranges and spent the rest ondates.Fifty-eight |
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Ellettsville High School |
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