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Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1957, Page 4

Description: IThis building we have always knownas The Stand, where we could buycandy, pop, and ice cream. It has alreadybeen torn down in the cause of progressto make way for the overflow of schoolchildren. It wont be long untP the elementary students have a new building alltheir own.Ellettsville is growning every day.This beautiful grove is a part of thenewly acquired township land to be usedfor school expansion. It is on the edgeof one of the towns new residentialsections. We are proud of this step towarda larger, more beautiful Ellettsville.CALENDARSEPTEMBER-19566. First day of school11. Juniors get class rings14. Fall Festival Education DayOCTOBER2. Senior pictures taken24. Senior Scholarship Tests25-26. Teachers AssociationNOVEMBER3. I.U. Band Day22-23. Thanksgiving VacationDECEMBER4. Betty Crocker Examination7. Senior play21. Christmas Program-Vacation26. Basketball DinnerJANUARY-19572. Re-opening of school16-18. Final examinations31. P.T.A. Minstrel ShowFEBRUARY1. P.T.A. Minstrel Show9. District Solo and Ensemble ContestMARCH22.P.T.A. Carnival30.Basketball BanquetAPRIL6.State Band Contest12.Tri-County Music Festival19.Spring Vacation23.School re-opens25.Junior play27.Freshman BanquetMAY11.Junior-Senior Prom19.Baccalaureate22.Commencement24.School closes25.Senior trip
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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