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Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1951, Page 13

Description: CLASS HISTORYDuring the month of September in the year 1939 EllettsvilleSchool was over-run by a swarm of new brats. For the next eightmonths Mrs. Leota Price McNeely was the poor teacher who was giventhe job of corralling this wild group who have become the 1951Seniors. Finally after a long torturous winter and a very shortsummer we were In school again under the watchful eyes of Mrs.Frances McNeely. After trying hopelessly all year to put somethingInto our wooden heads, she pushed us on to the third grade and Mrs.Mary Frances Kleindorfer. We were now grown up—so we thought—because we could write our names and do very difficult mathematicalproblems, and we were no longer the smallest kids in school buthad two whole grades of little devils below us. In the fourthgrade we were under the gentle guiding hand of Mrs. Neva Luse.Under the supervision of Mrs. Pauline Coffin we acquired anotheryear of learning, and she acquired another ten years In only eightmonths, thanks to us and our many pranks. Then as sixth graders wewere the big wheels of the grades, and we let everyone know it.During this year Mrs. Frances Deckard worked day In and day outtrying to teach us, but we didnt seem to be the learning kind.Next we were hustled Into the seventh grade. In that -year we wentfrom one room to another just like high school students, and wewere very proud of ourselves. Having driven Mr. Perry Clark, oursponsor, nearly mad, we found ourselves being herded on to theeighth grade; and Mr. Clark discovered, to his amazement, that hewas to be our sponsor another hectic year. After eight miserablemonths of work, we had a big ceremony to celebrate the two-thirdsmark on our journey through school.By some strange trick of fate, we survived the inhuman Freshman Initiation and finally scraped together enough money to end theyear with a fine banquet. As soon as the speakers finished theirlong, drawn-out speeches, we were full-fledged sophomores. Mrs.Thelma Hawkins was given the job of sponsoring our activities, andshe has managed to stay with us all four years of our high schoollife. As juniors we gave our first play; and after working desperately on our lines and struggling through stage fright, we presented It in a creditable manner. During basketball season we weregiven the privilege of selling concessions to earn some muchneeded money. What a timetNow as seniors, we look back upon the struggling under-class-men and feel sorry for them because we know just what they areexperiencing. But we also look back with deep regret because weshall miss the old school and all the fun we had while we wereparticipating in the activities for the old house of education.SchoolDAYS15
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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