Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1949, Page 47

Description: ELEGANT EAGLES22 Carl Dillman is a senior and is winning his thirdletter this year. Carl plays the left forwardposition. He was elected co-captaln by the teamfor the season.77 Jack Holler, senior and co-captain, is playing hissecond year on the A team. Jack plays both forwardand guard positions.44 Don Hanna is a junior playing his second year of Ateam ball. Don plays in the guard position.99 Jack Hanna is a junior and is playing his first yearon the A team. Jack works very hard and has won aplace on the starting team.66 Charles Fitzgearld is another junior who Is winninghis first letter. Charles is a hard worker and avery good defense man.33 Bill Maxwell, a sophomore, has won a place on thestarting line-up this year. Bill plays forward andcenter.55 Richard Justis is a sophomore who plays very hard.Rich is the shortest man on the team but makes up forhis short stature with is fighting spirit.88 Wendell Allen another sophomore has worked his way upto the A team this year. Wendell works very hard andIs developing into a fine player.il
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-ellettsvil/id/1099
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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