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Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1935, Page 33

Description: &xMZ^@&i£C THE LLAMARADA IB^^Qfe^19—Junior class to give matinee this afternoon.20—Everyone is wondering where a certain Junior girl has disappeared.21—Christmas vacation begins. The grades entertained the public with anoperetta to end the school year of 34.JANUARY1—The Eagles received a New Years gift from Spencer today by comingback to Ellettsville with the little end of the score.2—Back to school. Happy New Year. Everyone back to business again.Seniors got a chance to count their credits this morning. 0-0-0!5—Tri-County tourney at Morgantown. Paragon walked away with it,but the eagles played a real game of ball.7—Seniors are interested in selecting a class play. Boy and Girl Councilmeeting. Wonder who won the boys Yo-Yo contest?19—Crispus Attucks game tonight. Junior High tourney was held today.30—School closed on account of the funeral of Mrs. Weathers grandmother.FEBRUARY2—Game with Oolitic tonight.4—Oolitic game was the best game of the season. A hair-raising and aninspiring game. The Eagles lost in the last three minutes.5—Posted on the Bulletin Board, Found, a love letter guaranteed to bevery interesting.8—Paragon game. Eagles are planning on getting the brick.14—Stinesville won a valentine from Ellettsville with a score of 32-24.15—A pep session for the Unionville game.16—Pep sessions useful after all. Eagles beat Unionville by five points.22—Last ball game of the season with Eminence. Evansville College Choirentertained us with a thirty-five minute musical program this morning.26—Freshmen and eighth grade girls played a game of basketball today atnoon. Proved to be very interesting.27—We are all sorry to hear about the illness of our coach, Paul Foxworthy.28—Seniors have class meeting. Decided upon wearing caps and gowns.Hope there are not any ill-feelings. Oh-No!!MARCH6—Seniors have class meeting to decide speaker for Baccalaureate.7—The assembly walls are receiving a cleansing. Whats happening?8—P. T. A. Carnival at local gym. Everybody exhibit their hobbies.13—The Shorthand class and other classes were greatly disappointed thisafternoon when the Fish and Game show didnt show up.15—Ellettsville is grieved to hear about Stinesville High School being destroyed by fire. Listened to the State Tournament all day today.20—Several S. H. S. pupils visiting school here today.21—Max Julian arrived just in time to get his name in the Llamarada beforeit went to press.19 3 5Page thirty-threb
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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