Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1948, Page 60

Description: and in twenty years you may hearTwenty long years have passed since we,the twenty-three graduates of ElletsvilleHigh School, took part in that 1948 Commencement and went out into the big world.It is now 1968. We are attending one of thegreat events of the Staiie of Indiana, namelythe Monroe County Fall Festival in Ellettsville. The citys mayor, Ed Hudson, is alsopresident of the Fall Festival organization.Ellettsville has received national recogniza-tion through Eds leadership. As mayor ofthe city and as the worlds greatest businessman, he takes every ones interests to heart.His office is located in the town hall whichis at the end of Main Street at the formersite of the Hayden Antique Shop. This beautiful town hall is of Greek Architecture, andits 13 columns in front and its 48 steps arecharacteristic of our United States government.Hotel Goble, the 1000 room hotel locatedon Temperance and Main, is a winter resortfamous for its atomic baths, which guaranteethe prevention of sleeping sickness. FrankGoble is owner and manager of this hotel. Hehas been permanently cured.The class were guests at the coming out-party of the sweet little debutante, NancyGoble.Our Alma Mater is still located on thesame ste, but the campus extends to JacksDefeat. The school is under the supervisonof fifty capable teachers and six adminstrat-ors because of the great increase in popu^ation. Ellettsville High School is now idealized as the perfect school in America. Virginia Neal :s the head superintendent of thelocal school. She has introduced two newcourses, horse anatomy and girls aeuro-nautics, in which the girls solo in one semester. The school now owns a civil airport,and six jet-propelled planes, four C—17, andone P—40.Bob Loffat* renowned agriculturalistand genitcst specialist, has made possiblethe commercial use of buckwheat in the newfabric ca^ed Chwheat. Chwheat is nowused in dresses, suits, and childrens clothes.Because of his enormous wealth, he has endowed the local Moffatt Hospital and Clinic.This hospital is located en the former site ofthe Frosty Brown estate.Doro+hv Fiscus, superintendent of theMoffatt Hosp.a1, has discovered the use ofatomic energy in the cure of cancer. Patientscome from far and near for the cancer treatment.Carol May, famous dietitian in the Moffatt hospital, has calculated the calories in abov car of butter. She is now a patient inthe Moffatt Hospital for treatment of ptomaine poisoning. She decided after twentyvea**s to eat some of her own cooking.The beautiful Howard Library on Temperance and Vine, on the former site ofBaughs acre, was given to the city by Mrs.Barbara Dunn, the former Barbara Howard.Soon after uraduaton Barbara was editor ofthe &llet$vlle Dailv Sun. While editor oftr>e DaiV Sun, she became known as the worlds best editor. At the present time she isthe. Editor of Mars in Review, the most popular magazine in the country.On the f;irst day of the festival we heardGlendale Stewarts presidential campaignsneech. The speech thrilled the vast audience of 35,000 people and was carried overseven national net works and three televisionset-ups. Mr. Stewart has become one of theIndiana Senators and is the youngest presidential candidate in United States history.The Eagletonian Theatre is a moderneighteen balcony theatre furnished with redvelvet cushoned seats and is beauzfully curtained. This theatre is the only theatre in thewoWd which furn^hes opera glasses to allattending. The beautful domed structureshines out from the hill top now known as theWillie Justis farm and is owned and operatedby M-s. Charles Smith, the former Betty Hall.60
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-ellettsvil/id/1009
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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