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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2017

Description: ■9P™-6s*^*«Sjlf~fc---~-rr^t gg^ ^am %■:GIRLS GOLF DOMINATES WICThe Lady Mustangs golf team places first in the Western Indiana Conference.By,: Jjisfflty. Bcuiton, and WifflouA AidkicAo,n Wednesday, August 27th,A* ftififeiw(ffiAu^xV? an ^s ^r*s ^°^team was victorious againopponents at the Western IndianaConference. The Mustangs cameout on top with a superb score of400 points, defeating Cascade,Brown County, Sullivan, IndianCreek, Cloverdale, Northview,Greencastle, South Putnam, OwenValley, West Vigo, and NorthPutnam. Even though the girlswere not expecting a win, theypulled together as a team to striveto be the best at conference. Thisaccomplishment was more thanjust a small victory; this was thefirst time in 5 years that Edgewoodhas won the Western IndianaConference. Senior Megan Higginsm outstanding scorlr*of 79. Higginss score was apersonal record for herself. Shefinished with the top score of themeet and received an all-conferencetitle, as well as senior JennNewman. Freshman Kailea Coveyalso ended with an impressive scoreof 106 landing her the third highestscore for Edgewood. Winning WICwas a blast. It was a great feelingwinning my freshman year. It wentgreat. There were a couple holes Icouldve done better on, but otherthan that it was a great win for allof us, Covey said.
Collection: Edgewood High School

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