Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2016

Description: was running down the court andtripped on my own feet and slammed myface into the ground.- sophomore Caleb Norris1 hurt my shroulder over winter break, andCoach Mahurin put an image on our websiteof a person with an injured shoulder and acaption bubble sayingouch. The team gaveme crap about it all week. -senior Cole Cradick,xOnce I ditched team trash piCk-up at IU to gohang out with some friends in a hot tub.When I finally showed up, the team made funof me so I left. The team continued to makefun of me for two-weeks after that. -juniorCooper Bybee •Senior Aaron Jacobs, also know*as Flat Aaron,has become an Edgewood sensation\Flat Aaron isa celebrity among the students. He always has afan section at games, an active twitter afieountwith over one hundred and fifty followers, and heis also running in the presidential election this year.Flat Aaron is known for giving words of wisdomon hisftwitter, such as, Plat Is the name, makingbuckets is the game. Even with the sprained anklenear the end of the season, that couldnt stop him.Everyone thinks this sprained ankle is going toslowfme down at the gam<|s game... nah, Ill justmake buckets from the ben|:h. #OhBoy, seniorJacobs said.2&. *«§I will eot later. - Sophomore Stephony Foster
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-edgewood/id/8228
Collection: Edgewood High School

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