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Going from junior high tohigh school is a bigtransition for freshmen.Mustang Kick-Off allowsfreshmen to get a firstlook at the school, theirschedule and meet someof the teachers andupperclassmen prior tothe first day.Mustang Mentor SponsorMrs. DyeIm so impressed withthe hospitality of thejuniors and seniors whoare Mustang Mentors!The Mentors werecheerful and so willingto go out of their wayto help the freshmenfeel like they belong.lustang Mentor SponsorMrs. Van Allen4-Years in Just | DayBy Hannah Nunn_and Kasey HestorLMentors iys) FroshDo you think the mentors were helpfulto the freshmen?Yes, because I feellike were moreinvolved with thefreshmen class thanwe were last year.-Senior Dillon DeckardWhat did the mentors help you with themost?They helped me meetnew people and find myclasses.-Freshman Serenah MorrisAfter the first day, did it seem like yourfreshmen were successful?Yeah, I think theyfelt more ready andless nervous thanlast years freshmendid.-Junior Emily MaegerleinWhat made your first day successfuland how?Knowing where myclassrooms were wasthe best thing.■Freshman Kane McCloudSeniors Chase Mobley andSam Hurley welcome thefreshmen with a funHawaiian theme in theirroom!The Mentorsshow theirsexcitement onkick-off daywith theirfreshmen!Why fit in when youwere born to standout-Dr. Suess3E3 |
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Edgewood High School |
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