Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2013

Description: Being in Sophisticated Ladieshas taught me how to get alongwith many different kinds ofgirls. At the beginning of theyear, I didnt know many of thegirls very well; throughout theyear we have just grown into abig dramatic show choir familyand I couldnt be happier aboutthat. I wouldnt trade thememories Ive made this yearfor anything.-Jenna Gerard,Ladies,JuniorIt has taught me to work-Ehard.Brooke King,Ladies,Freshman?w Edition has taughtme about friendship andteamwork.-Darian Crites,New Edition,SophomoreIt has taught me to haveconfidence and to bemyselfBethany Flick,New Editon,FreshmanSPRING 103Warehouse has taughtme that if I apply hardwork to something, then Ihave the potential to begreat. Its something I canuse forever.-Camilla Burrell,Warehouse,Senior.)<jBjajaBBajHHBj|Ladies has taught mepatience because whilelearning dances youhave to be patient withthe choreographer andother members inLadies.-Sierra Clouse,§ Ladies,SeniorPractice makesperfect.-Hannah Koontz,Ladies,FreshmanPerforming gives you theconfidence that youll needto be successful later inlife.Kristen Braselton,Warehouse,JuniorNew Edition has tauglthat the amount of trophiesyou bring home does notdefine your success.-Seth Campbell,New Edition,FreshmanThe faces of the senior girls from Warehouse, Ladies, andNew Edition were full of emotion at the spring concert.My favorite part was that we worked together so that wecould learn it quickly. Ill never forget the first time AlyssaBrown revealed the dance at full speed. It looked so difficult,senior Camilla Burrell said.In the end, with hard work, the girls pulled it off.They did a great job and Alyssa did a great job making thedance, senior Kacy Young said.As the year came to a close, the seniors reflected back onthe memories that were created. Senior Brittany Mooreremembers a particular moment from graduation.While Brayden was singing his solo during the ballad, heturned around and sang it to us, which about made me cry. Iwill never forget that moment. It finally made me realize thatmy choir life was coming to an end and how much I wouldreally miss it, Moore said.■iaai
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-edgewood/id/7882
Collection: Edgewood High School

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