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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2013

Description: RAREWINTER_|87_fSH__# ft __l k■ ■» -£■§E3|1 mft; |ife f 11 .< *My name means before. Myparents named me it to be areminder to never lookback.-FreshmanDeja CallahanFreshmen: Deja Callahan, Tove Fagan, Dion Sprinkle-Bouchard Sophomores: KaiDi Austin, Ireland Butcher,Shalimar Murdock Junior: Sunny FangI went to a convention onceand the people who wouldregister you asked for mylast name and when theysaw my first name they saidas soon as I saw your nameon the list I wanted to meetyou right then and there sothat was pretty cool!-SophomoreShalimar MurdockMy parents had my twinsisters name right away butthey struggled with figuringout mine, but Mom and Dadthought Jade was a prettyname and its a preciousgreen stone also whichmakes it even more unique.-FreshmanJade BryantMore people than I wouldhave guessed think that Ihave a boy name. Forexample, during freshmanyear gym class, Mrs. Taftgave me a boy lockerbecause she thought I was aboy.-SophomoreJustice HoffmanDUAL GENDERFreshmen: Taylor England, Taylor Wessell Sophmores:Taylor Chasteen, Taylor Watkins Seniors: Taylor Mullins,Taylor LangellJordan:Boys- 7Girls- 3Freshmen: Jordan Garceau, Jordan Howell, Jordan Maley,Jordan Vance Sophomores: Jordan Chevalier Juniors:Jordan Lawson Seniors: Jordan RichardsonIn third grade, there was aboy named Taylor Brown inmy class. He was alwaysquiet, so when the teachercalled my name or his, Iwould always get confusedon who she was speaking toand I would answer for theboth of us.-SophomoreTaylor WalkinsMy mom was either goingto name me Jordan orTaylor so either way I wasgoing to have a dual gendername.-FreshmanJordan MaleyIi*if twwww*»»TWf y *i *TMB^L£l•fli: flLsi>w-
Collection: Edgewood High School

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