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Michaela PieActivities:Tennis, Key Club, French Club,Yearbook, Junior Advisory,Mustang Mentors, LeadershipAcademy, Sophisticated LadiesFuture Plans:Study pharmacy at PurdueUniversity! BOILER UP!Favorite Moment:The Edgewood/ O.V. football gameand my 18th birthday with all myseniors!Favorite Quote:1 for warm up, 3 for Dale.Lacee PlemmonsActivities:French ClubFuture Plans:Get rich, or die tryingFavorite Moment:The powderpuff games duringHomecoming.Favorite Quote:Everybody dies, but noteverybody lives.Megan PresnellActivities:FACS Club, Key ClubFuture Plans:Attend Columbus Ivy Tech forRadiologist TechFavorite Quote:If you aint first, youre last!Helena Quintana<?.:■Chelsey RainesActivities:FACSFuture Plans:Serve in the ArmyFavorite Moment:Lunch time with Amber, SammiHannah, and Murphy.Favorite Quote:Keep on dreamin even if itbreaks your heart.Sarah RatliffActivities:Volleyball, Swimming, Track,New EditionFuture Plans:Attend Franklin College andplay volleyballFavorite Moment:Going to semi-state involleyball.Favorite Quote:A diamond was a piece of coalthat did well under pressure.Andrea ReynoldsActivities:Student Council, LeadershipAcademy, Mustang Mentors,NHS, Soccer, Track, SpeechTeam, Junior Advisory, SpanishClub, Best FriendsFuture Plans:Attend IU for psychologyFavorite Moment:Meeting the friends of a lifetime.Favorite Quote:Shoot for the moon. Even ifyou miss, youll land amongstthe stars.James RidgeActivities:Football, Basketball, Track,Baseball, Leadership Academy,R.I.C.H.E.R.Future Plans:Attend Wabash College tostudy psychology andminor incriminal justiceFavorite Moment:Watching Taylor Bybee getkicked out of a basketball gamefor running on the court andhigh-fiving Levi Garner.Favorite Quote:Do it for Dale. |
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Edgewood High School |
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