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DMCElike theres noTOMORROWBBa&)i^9 C ■ a t?3t U t at4 aP^■_^2^T~ZZ^m\ v l^w^! *A j^7 w W yMW^^^5rbP s MJrv—jM 11t—l^Il^ ^m*m. \mtm. W^jf w*a *^l^^^Pafllak 1 flal BBM1 LI.I.I 1(Lto R) Row 1: Lexi Ingalls, Autumn Chester, Hannah Nunn,Elysia Soriano, Lauren Gatlin, Trinity Langley Row 2:Marrianna Hanson, Jessica Hurt, Jenna Gerard, Kaidi Austin,Madison Beerbower, Jessica Bailum, Brittany Bolinger, TaylorChasteenaiKJ1. Hannah Nunn strikes apose 2. The dance teamwows the audience 3.Hannah Nunn is put in a lift toend one of the dance teamsperformances 4. The teamtakes the floor during halftimewThe EHS Dance Team was led by their only senior, JessicaHurt, who kept a positive attitude and a good sense of humorthroughout the teams performances during football andbasketball season. Jessica has been dancing since she wasfour years old, and she said that dancing in front of a lot ofpeople always gives her an adrenaline rush. Her favorite typesof dance include hip-hop and lyrical, and although Jessica saysshe will dance to any type of music, her first choice would bepop. Making up routines was always a group effort from all ofthe girls on the team. Jessica got her ideas for her steps bypiecing together dance moves fromdifferent styles of dance, and each girlT^ would take turns picking different song2 ^X~ ^ choices and artists. The girls were closeas a team and Jessica said the she willmiss making up random dances withHannah Nunn, Jessica Bailum, andMadison Beerbower and getting to knowall the younger girls on the team. To thepeople contemplating trying out for thedance team next year, Jessica says:Tryout! Its so much fun. You will love it!STRIKEEdgewoods Very First Bowling TeamThe 2011-2012bowling season was,hopefully, the first ofmany more seasonsto come. Bowlingcompetitively wasintroduced to thestudents ofEdgewood for thefirst time this year,and was enjoyed byall the members ofthe team. I grew uparound bowling. It isfun, and I just lovedoinq it, juniorBrady Ditton, amember of thebowling team, said.Although theseason got off to aslow start, the guyshad a lot of fun.They hope that theprogam keepsbuilding and morepeople continuejoining the team sothat Edgewoodbowling can make aname for itself.t> ^W///F L\#An^iBbBS J ■ HF1 11 ■(L to R) Jacob Good, Brady Barksdale, Coach Butts,Brady Ditton, Zach Fyan |
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Edgewood High School |
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