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!be <Xjee*s tS *tte CnwrtAugust 16, 2011, the Edgewoodvolleyball team kicked off their seasonwith a 3-0 victory over Bloomington Southfor the first time in 13 years. Yet, in CoachCarmichaels eyes, the season started inMarch with preseason workoutscontinuing through the beginning ofAugust. Summer mornings were filledwith stairs, cards, sprints, and slalomjumps; while summer evenings werespent scrimmaging each other as well asvarious schools. In July, the varsity girlsheaded to Michigan for a six-day teambonding adventure. It started with a stay inthe Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island andended with a three day volleyball camp atthe University of Michigan. Highlights ofthe week included stopping traffic onthe bridge to take a picture, gettingmatching feather hair extensions, RachelDelay getting soaked on the fairy ride,the bocce ball tournament at the GrandHotel, exploring the island in the dark,and winning the bronze bracket at camp.The experience brought the girls closerthan any outsider would everunderstand. Team bonding nightsbecame routine every weekend as theteam kicked off their season with a 5 and0 run. They were led by an amazinggroup of seniors: Sarah Ratliff, AngelaHacker, Rachel Delay, and HannahRommel. These four ladies were thebackbone of the team as EdgewoodVolleyball finished the regular seasonwith 28 wins (setting a new teamrecord), stomped Owen Valley in thefirst round of sectionals, fought hardagainst Brown County for theSectional win, and knocked off Tri-West for the programs first everregional title. To top it all off, twoschool records were broken. Hannahbroke the digs record with a seasontotal of 607 digs, while junior KristenHeaddy broke the points record with259 points during the course of theseason. It was an exciting season forthe Lady Mustangs of EdgewoodHigh School. It is evident that withteam chemistry, hard work,determination, as well as a high skilllevel, the sky is the limit. |
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Edgewood High School |
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