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SENIORSWesley Ryan AdamsActivities Involved. In:Wrestling, Pole Vaulting, NHS,and French Club.Become a famous gunslinger whoissues the quote, Im yourhuckleberry, while attendingWabash College, pole vaulting,and majoring in pre-law.French Club President, Soccer,Leadership Academy, the SteveAmbrosini Dodgeball TournamentAttend IU and live the <*™* w°Nonsense during lunch.Danielle Enrica ArmentiActivities Involved In:Hoosier Hills CosmetologyFuture Plans:Open my own salon and be acosmetologist.T- *1_■ _.%1 l_aa_aa_B__fSilas Brandt ArnolrActivities Involved I rSoccer, French Club, JazMarching, Concert, and Pep Band,German ClubMove to Hollywood, become anactor.David Paul Arthur Jr.Activities Involved In:Track and Field, New Edition,and French ClubGoing to college for computertechnology.Best Memory:German class with KirstieGlover.Casey BarbarickActivities involved lidGO Club, Art Club, Tennis,German ClubGo to Ivy Tech for video gamedesign courses.Best Me;Hanging out with friends in GOClub.a* *s^a_LWf1Kendra Kell BastinActivities Involved In:Track and Field, French Club,Art Club, Internship, YearbookAttend Ivy Tech &? IU and obtaina bachelors or masters degree ineither nursing or psychology.Senior year and graduation.Samantha Jo BolingerActivities Involved In:National Honor Society, Key Club,Best Friends.Future Plans:Attend Purdue University andbecome a vet.Bradley Lee BlalUActivities InvohHoosier HillsFuture FAttend Vincennes University andstudy manufacturing andindustrial technology.Best MenGraduation.Chad William BowmanActivities InvobFootball, Basketball, Baseball.Attend college and go into graphicdesign.Best Mer.Hanging out with the boys aftertwo-a-days, and hanging withMicoulley Kendall. |
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Edgewood High School |
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