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1Thank you son, for.Tons of sticky kisses and SLURPLES! Thank for,Im not marryin nobody but Mommy! when youwere three. Thank you for not letting me skip anypages in Cat in the Hat...ever! Thank you for sharingyour favorite snacks (even those chips broken intomicroscopic pieces!) Thank you for never allowingme to see a pasture of horses without thinking of themusical creation: Three Horses live in the Woods.Thank you for 911 Mommy?! 911?! when I had fallendown the stairs with laundry after stepping on thoseX-men figurines. Thank you for the clay dragon pot,the toy soldier hanging and the tie dyed macaroninecklace, (all of which I still have, I might add.)Thanks for teaching me a salamander to unthawthe pipes wouldnt be a slimy lizard. Thank you forteaching me what a biscuit moon was in the eyesof your sister. Thanks for spreading reindeer dustlong after you knew better. Thanks for listening toIts a Small World After All about 100 times morethan you thought you could as we rode through theDisney tunnel over and over again. Thanks for kisseson the head. Thanks for bringing the other sonsaround to share good times. Thanks for MarchingBand and Warehouse weekends. Thanks for feedingmy photographic addiction by smiling WAY MOREthan any kid should have to. Thanks for never beingtoo cool for mom-son dates.Thanks for believing in me, even when I didntbelieve in myself. Thanks for letting me pretend Iwas cool, even when I wasnt. Thanks for lettingme cry without feeling weak. Thanks for showingme the way when I had surely lost the path. Thanksfor always telling me I had it together, even whenI knew better. Thanks for knowing that I pushedbecause I love you. Thanks for all the years of goodchoices -when I know they werent always easyor popular to make. Thanks for being a great rolemodel to your sister.And lastly, thanks for being my strength, mymotivation and one of my two reasons to adore beinga mom. Thank you for giving me the pleasure ofalways being able to pridefully say, Thats my son.Thanks for all your blessings in watching you growand mostly for your love. Thank you always andFOREVER for being my son, my hero, and my friend.I surely must have done something especially rightin my world to be blessed with a son like you.Love, Mom.171^ |
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Edgewood High School |
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